Three technologies from Air Liquide, benefactor member of the IIR, have been awarded by the Solar Impulse Foundation for their energy efficiency.
The Solar Impulse Foundation selects cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions in various fields. It created the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label1.
Three technologies from Air Liquide, benefactor member of the IIR, have received the label2:
- The NexeliaTM solution for metal fusion includes oxygen lances that make it possible to control and adjust oxygen injection in the blast furnace during
production of cast iron. It enables energy savings by automatically adapting the flow of oxygen in real time.
- The Eco Chiller makes it possible to reuse the cold generated during phase changes from liquid to gas. The immediate use of the energy recovered allows
substantial cost savings as well as reducing CO2 emissions.
- Air Liquide's cryogenics-based energy recovery solution makes it possible to recover energy lost when gas is converted from high-pressure in pipelines to
lower pressure for their ultimate industrial use. This recovered energy is then converted into liquid hydrogen and/or liquefied natural gas.